Kelio News

Kelio celebrates its first birthday

One year ago, Kelio Ltd was born. At the start of 2024, Bodet Ltd changed its name to Bodet Time Ltd and created a sister company: Kelio Ltd. It’s been a busy year, packed with growth and development. Here are some of our highlights.

UK manufacturers are optimistic in 2025 says industry survey

The majority of UK manufacturers (63%) believe the opportunities in 2025 outweigh the risks, according to Make UK and PwC’s latest Executive Survey*. The survey polled almost 200 senior manufacturing executives. It asked about the opportunities, risks and challenges they believe their business will face in the year ahead.

Merry Christmas from Kelio

We hope that you have had a happy, healthy and productive year in 2024. Thank you to all our customers for choosing to work with our friendly team. Kelio will celebrate its first birthday as a standalone company in 2025. It was created in January 2024 when its sister company Bodet Ltd changed its...

Kelio teams come together for product update

The Kelio UK team joined colleagues from Kelio and its other subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and Belgium in Nantes at the end of November.

Kelio brings its subsidiaries together every two years to meet, network and hear updates on upcoming developments for the Kelio product. This year, the German subsidiary participated for the first time since its formation in 2023.

Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 not now coming into force

According to reports, the government is not now bringing in the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023.

The act gives workers and agency workers the right to request more predictable terms and conditions of work. It received Royal Assent in September 2023, however more regulations were required to bring it into force. Changes to workers’ rights may now be incorporated into Labour’s upcoming Employment Rights Bill.

Mass Mailed Reports Now Include Certifications!

Kelio’s Staff Administration software enables you to generate HR documents quickly and easily in Word®; ready for mass or individual mailing via email for electronic signature and monitored on the Kelio dashboard. We have now upgraded to include certifications!

Are you aware of the changes to the Flexible Working Legislation?

In July 2023, the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023, stated that employees had the right to request variations to the terms of their employment contract, including working hours and times.

In less than two weeks, we will be exhibiting at the CIPD Festival of Work!

Join us with celebrating two days of inspirational speakers, leading business experts, informative sessions, and industry discussions with like-minded professionals; all invoking positive change for your workforce…!

Mental Health Awareness Week: How can Kelio support the workplace?

Did you know that you can support your staff’s wellbeing by noticing patterns and trends in their time and attendance behaviour? With Mental Health Awareness Week on 13th to 19th May 2024, Kelio is aware of the benefits of staff monitoring. Our time and attendance solutions can assist in...

Kelio will be at the Food and Drink Expo 2024!

Kelio are excited to be exhibiting at the Food and Drink Expo on the 29th April – 1st May 2024! The Food and Drink Expo supports the food industry, from wholesale to manufacturing, with the latest trends and the ‘industry’s vision for the future’. With five shows in one...