Fire Roll Call System

Simplify Your Fire Evacuation System by Tracking Evacuees at Assembly Points Using Your Smartphone

In the event of a fire on your premises, the critical factors are evacuation speed and accurate roll call so you know everyone is safe and accounted for. Kelio’s Fire Roll Call System displays an up-to-date roll call list directly on your smartphone, enabling you to count evacuees in real time and clearly identify those yet to be checked off.

Advantages of Kelio’s Fire Roll Call System

Our Fire Evacuation System integrates with your existing Kelio Time & Attendance, Access Control and Visitor Management Systems, providing the following benefits:

  • Intuitive, accurate and rapid roll call for evacuees.
  • Real-time count of evacuees shared across multiple muster points.
  • Proximity clocking at muster points for instant identification.
  • Roll call accessible directly through smartphone application in the event of fire, as part of our Cloud Solutions.
  • Maintains historical roll call statistical data.
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Advantages of Kelio’s Fire Roll Call System

Reliable roll calls with our Smartphone Fire Evacuation Application

When an evacuation is triggered, your designated fire marshals will receive an accurate roll call list within their smartphone application (when connected to the same virtual network as our Fire Roll Call System). This clearly displays who is and isn’t accounted for, in real time.

To register evacuees at muster points, you can use a combination of proximity readers and the smartphone application to provide the following functionality:

  • Evacuees can use proximity clocking at the muster point to be automatically counted on the roll call.
  • Evacuees without a proximity badge can be manually registered on the smartphone application.
  • Roll calls are shared across multiple muster points, ensuring that all fire marshals have an accurate view of all evacuees currently accounted for across your whole organisation.
  • Automatically counts down the number of evacuees remaining to be accounted for, and their names.

The end of the fire evacuation is automatically registered when everyone needing to be evacuated has clocked themselves at a muster point, or been manually registered by fire marshals using the smartphone application.

Fire Roll Call System > Blocks
Ensure everyone is accounted for during a fire evacuation

Ensure everyone is accounted for during a fire evacuation

Since Kelio’s Fire Roll Call System integrates with our other solutions, whenever an employee clocks in with our Time & Attendance System when they start work, or a visitor signs in via the Kelio Visitor Management System, they will automatically be added to the roll call list. If employees are absent or working remotely, they will not be registered as on the premises.

Using our Fire Evacuation Solution in conjunction with our Time & Attendance, Access Control and Visitor Management Solutions ensures that everyone currently on your premises will appear on the evacuation list in the event of fire.

Reasons to conduct fire drills

Reasons to conduct fire drills

UK fire regulations require an annual fire drill as a legal minimum, although there are definite benefits to making them more frequent. These include:

  • Training employees on evacuation routes, and the location of emergency exits and muster points.
  • Familiarising staff with the correct procedure and behaviour during evacuation.
  • Ensuring fire alarm equipment is in working order.
  • Improving your fire evacuation management such as the rapid identification of evacuees at assembly points.

Improve your fire evacuation drills

Improve your fire evacuation drills

When using our Fire Roll Call System, at the end of a drill, a report will be generated enabling you to monitor and improve your evacuation procedures. This report can be exported and archived for your health and safety records. The range of data displayed can be customised to suit your reporting requirements, but the following statistics are recorded within our software:

  • Number of people accounted and unaccounted for during a fire evacuation.
  • Employee clock-out procedure (by proximity clocking or manually on the smartphone app).
  • Evacuation time: a timer can be used to calculate the length of time taken for the fire drill, from the moment it starts until everyone is accounted for.
  • Historical performance data.

Why choose Kelio?

Over 35,000 customers worlwide

Over 35,000 customers worldwide

Designed and manufactured in-house

Designed and manufactured in-house

ISO certification

ISO certification for manufacturing

Est. 1868

Est. 1868