Identification badges for Time & Attendance management and Access Control

Individual name badges to identify your staff and visitors

We provide a comprehensive range of customised contactless badges for all your company’s Time and Attendance management and Access Control needs

Why are company badges important?


A company badge enables individuals to:

Record employee attendance time

  • The Kelio Visio clocking terminal scans each contactless badge to identify the member of staff and record their attendance time and activities. The RFID technology recognises each wearer’s badge and records the login number when presented to the terminal.

Control access of staff and visitors to your buildings

  • You can allocate access rights to each of your employees according to their profile and attendance schedule, dependant on the security level required in your organisation. By scanning the badge on a Kelio Pass reader, the individual is given access to the premises according to the authorised zones and times assigned.

Kelio badges are now able to house additional information and communicate directly with their technological environment. They can now:

  • Be used for facilities such as coffee machines, photocopiers and company restaurants, to record and calculate credits
  • Reserve and manage company equipment, such as printers, company vehicles, or library book loans
  • Access personalised applications
  • Incorporate and store biometric fingerprints (for biometric clocking)
Who should wear a badge?


All your staff should be provided with a staff badge.

In addition, your visitors can also be asked to wear a badge. These include visiting customers, external suppliers, contract cleaners, delivery people, postmen and women etc.

  • Temporary badges identify and distinguish visitors from your staff, maintaining the confidentiality and security of your organisation.
  • Badges contain identification technology so you can supervise the movement of visitors on your premises and restrict access to authorised areas.

It is very easy to allocate and manage visitor badges with Kelio Visitor management.

Choose the Technologies and uses of your badges


In recent years, the technologies incorporated in badges have developed dramatically. There are a range of different badge technologies currently available, each offering different levels of security.


Contactless badges use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and currently are the most widely used. They transfer electromagnetic energy between the emitter (contactless RFID badge reader) and a receptor (chip and radio tag contained in the badge). RFID technology is used in many applications.


It's important that you choose the most appropriate badge technology that meets your needs and provides the level of security you require. To make your choice easier, the table below summarises the options that each of the common technologies provides:

Kelio hardware devices can support a wide range of badge technologies.

  SecurityTime & Attendance usageAccess Control usageRelated applications
Non-RFIDBarcode badge
picto cross
picto check
picto cross
picto cross
Magnetic strip badge
picto cross
picto check
picto cross
picto cross
RFIDIndala® Proximity (Format 15903) badge
orange star
picto check
picto cross
picto cross
Iclass (PACS H10301) badgegreen star green star
picto check
picto check
picto check
LEGIC (UID only, Advant & Prime series)
orange star
picto check
picto cross
picto check
RFID Electronic Marin 125 kHz badge
orange star
picto check
picto cross
picto cross
MIFARE Classic™ (UID) Badge
orange star
picto check
picto cross
picto check
MIFARE Classic™ Badge (Kelio number)
orange star
picto check
picto cross
picto check
orange star
picto check
picto cross
picto check
MIFARE DESFire™ EV2 (Kelio number) Badgegreen stargreen stargreen stargreen star
picto check
picto check
picto check
Bluetooth® /NFCBluetooth®/NFC Orange Pack ID digital badgegreen stargreen stargreen stargreen star
picto check
picto check
green star

Source: Kelio company comparison

badge MIFARE DESFire™

What about badge security? The MIFARE DESFire™ badges offer the greatest security


The MIFARE DESFire™ badge technology currently provides the highest level of security. It has never been copied and the security is considered unbreakable, but this badge technology is rarely used at its highest security potential. Generally, the employee is identified just using its Card Serial Number (CSN), but that only provides low-level security.

It is far better practice to use a unique, secure login (Kelio numbering) format when configuring your MIFARE DESFire™ badges. This guarantees the highest level of security for badge identification.


The badges and readers are allocated a unique secure recognition code that is encrypted in a secure area in the factory. This is achieved using an encryption key specific to the Kelio company using the highly secure AES 128-bit encryption protocol. It’s guaranteed to be unique and is only compatible with Kelio equipment. This means no time-consuming, technical configuration operations, and guarantees the highest level of security for your MIFARE DESFire™ badges, and there is no additional cost.

virtual badge

Clocking using a smartphone: The benefits of a virtual badge?


All modern smartphones can be used as a virtual badge. By default, they all incorporate NFC (Near Field Communication) or BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology protocols. A secure virtual badge can be uploaded onto a smartphone easily via a simple secure link sent by email.

The employee simply presents his/her phone in front of a Bluetooth/NFC-compatible badge reader or access reader to record arrival or departure or trigger the opening of an access point.


The Bluetooth/NFC technology provides many benefits. It is:

  • Remotely operable: can be activated by sending an email from any modern smartphone, which can then be accepted by the phone’s owner. This makes it easier to distribute badges, even for large and multi-site organisations.
  • Practical: it makes the management and security of organisations much simpler. New employees can be included in the company’s system immediately they start working.
  • Economical: no more lost, broken or unreturned badges. With the virtual badge, the only cost is when you use it!
  • Tamper-proof: the virtual badge is a very secure service. It is provided in partnership with Orange Business Services and available on all mobile service providers.

example badge customisation

The benefits of customising your badges?

Customised ISO card badges can be used to display specific badge holder information, such as first name, last name, position and department, etc. for direct visual checking.

Easy identification of your employees or visitors limits the risk of your badges being used fraudulently.

This makes customised badges particularly useful for:

Customised badges also promote your corporate image and company branding.


It’s easy to customise your badges

Graphics representing your company’s image and the badge wearer's identification data can be printed on card badges.

Two Evolis card printer models are available to customise your card badges:

  • The Tattoo Rewrite printer: this is best for temporary badges without technology, as each badge can be wiped and reprinted up to 500 times.
  • The Zenius printer: this is ideal for printing permanent badges, in colour or monochrome.

Both these printers connect to the Kelio software so you can automatically collate your employee or visitor data (last name, first name, department, photo, etc.) which is then printed onto your badges.

These high speed printers are easy to use, so customised badges can be issued to new employees on their first day.

kelio pass reader badge

Why choose Kelio for my badges?

  • A wide range of badges are fully compatible with Kelio software and equipment
  • Multiple technologies and badge formats are possible on each Kelio installation
  • Badges can be customised and integrate employee/visitor data from Kelio software
  • Multi-functional badges: Time & Attendance management, Access Control, other identity-related functions
  • Support is available when choosing and configuring your badges

Why choose Kelio?

Over 35,000 customers worlwide

Over 35,000 customers worldwide

Designed and manufactured in-house

Designed and manufactured in-house

ISO certification

ISO certification for manufacturing

Est. 1868

Est. 1868