Staff administration

Staff administration

How to efficiently calculate employee hours

Calculating employees’ hours is one of the most important tasks for an HR or payroll team. We look at how it can be improved. 

How to Digitise Your HR Department

Digitalising is becoming the way forward for the majority of companies when it comes to modernising their Human Resources department. Saving time and reducing costs are major benefits but other elements also come into play…

Time and Attendance and payroll: What's at stake?

Monitoring employees' working time is of significant importance in organisations where the Human Resources team need to juggle different working time patterns, such as part-time, shift work and staggered hours. To optimise managing working time and monitoring employee activity, organisations can implement time management software.

Eight tips to help you organise employee vacations effectively

Holidays are a significant part of an employee’s contract, but it is critical that vacations are well managed to ensure the company is not adversely affected.

Enterprise Access Control

Access control in an organisation ensures only those who are authorised are able to enter the premises. It protects your organisation from unwanted visitors, reduces the incidence of theft or damage and increases the safety of your employees.