Activity Management Software
Accurate tracking and analysis of working time
Activity Management (also known as job costing or job tracking) monitors, records and analyses the working time spent by employees on specific activities. Working time can be analysed by critical key factors such as activity, unit, cost centre, product or customer. Kelio Analytics allows you to instigate an effective cost accounting system so optimising your productivity and profitability.
Enhance your organisation's labour management
Kelio’s solutions allow you to monitor the time that employees spend on each activity. You can then refine activity management, align task planning to meet production requirements and boost productivity. Staff and managers clock in and out daily and report their hours worked according to each job centre.
You can tailor Kelio Analytics and Analytics Advanced modules to meet your organisation’s specific needs. Monitoring the cost centres within each department can be expressed in a format that suits the requirements of your business, such as time or cost by: individual activities, projects, tasks, operations, clients, production lines, machines, posts, and cost centres.
Using customised colours and icons makes your calendar easier to follow.
Effective activity management
Each employee has a specified standard activity, but you can also plan their activities for the future. Future activity planning is optional but, if set up, it allows you to manage anticipated activities so you can forecast future results.
The proposed scheme can then be used to record any divergences with the final plan.
Job tracking software, together with the Kelio Planning module, makes it easy to organise and display labour management with well-defined, straight-forward schedules. Each department will then have the best possible activity management plan to organise available skills at specific times to effectively plan future production schedules.

Activity Management and hours worked
Kelio Analytics generates accurate job costing reports by assigning the hours worked for each cost centre by each employee. You can manage each project’s tasks in different ways:
- Manual allocation: Each authorised manager checks their employee’s working time and then personally allocates the hours worked to specific centres. This is useful to remedy any errors in allocation or to manage special circumstances.
- Automatic allocation: Using the agreed schedules, the activity management software incorporates specialised processes and distributes the hours worked automatically, avoiding the need to manage allocations manually.
- Declaration mode allocation: This provides a historic breakdown of hours worked per cost centre using different declared factors (declaration as a duration/percentage/specified period).
- Real-time allocation using clocking systems that link to specific activities.

Real-time input
There are a number of methods by which staff or managers can record activities with Kelio Analytics:
- Physical clocking terminals
- HR Portal via a workstation - PC or Mac
- Smartphone/web-enabled tablet using virtual clocking
- USB barcode scanner connected to the terminal
- Standalone scanners
- Proximity readers allocated to specific activities

Job tracking summary: dashboards and reports
When the data analysis is completed, a range of dashboards and reporting solutions (PDF reports and Excel exports) can be accessed to scrutinise and evaluate working time. Each activity can be assessed by time, cost and quantity.
These also provide the data to document any discrepancies between planned and actual activity, allowing you to optimise your activity and labour management.
Why choose Kelio for my labour tracking activities?
- Fully integrates with Kelio Time & Attendance solution
- Inputs activities in real-time
- Declaration of activity time recorded retrospectively
- Allows future task planning
- Evaluation of time using the cost calculator
- Compatible with a range of terminals and readers
- Links with Kelio’s Planning module