New Fire Safety Legislation October 2023

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In the year ending March 2023, there was a 7.8% increase in fires compared with the previous year, according to, which can be of great concern if accurate procedures are not put into place.

All companies have a responsibility to look after their staff and ensuring all members have up-to-date access to fire safety policies and information in their building.

From the 1st October 2023, new changes in fire legislation require that all Responsible Persons must record their completed fire risk assessment, and in full (where previously only specific information was required to be recorded). Amendments were put in place to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) to improve fire safety in all buildings regulated by it.

Your fire safety procedure can be greatly improved with Bodet’s Fire Roll Call System. By integrating your existing Bodet Time and Attendance, Access Control and Visitor Management Systems, your company can benefit from:

  • Intuitive, accurate and rapid roll call for evacuees.
  • Real-time count of evacuees shared across multiple muster points
  • Proximity clocking at muster points for instant identification
  • Roll call accessible directly through smartphone application in the event of fire, as part of our Cloud Solutions
  • Maintains historical roll call statistical data