Bodet UK’s 30th Anniversary: A Time to Reflect

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Workplace challenges caused by coronavirus: what have we learnt at Bodet UK in this landmark year?

This year is Bodet UK’s 30th anniversary. Although now is perhaps not the right time to celebrate such an occasion, it is however the perfect opportunity to reflect back on the last thirty years and leverage our experience, allowing us to best assist our target markets and continue to provide high levels of customer service. New challenges may have arisen, but this strong background and ethos mean we can quickly adapt as an organisation.

Since our technical team had begun implementing aspects of customer installations remotely prior to the coronavirus outbreak, we were well positioned to extend that service in addition to offering online training. Our sales team have also been able to offer online meetings where it is more practical to do so, and have found ways of making those meetings as effective as possible.

When it comes to both existing and potential customers, we have been fortunate in that although the challenges as a result of the pandemic are new, the solutions to solving them are often not. For example, our existing customers were able to switch to home working without a loss of productivity or workforce visibility, track and trace staff outbreaks, and even remind employees about new Coronavirus safety measures using Harmonys Sounders and the Kelio Visio X7 terminal screen. This proves just how adaptable our solutions are.

As a team, we have also discovered the importance of robust communication tools when working remotely. The Bodet Group recently rolled out a new business communications solution across the whole organisation, giving us an easy way of keeping in contact with each other, combining file sharing, instant messaging and audio or video calls in one simple package.

Despite achieving our 30th year milestone in the midst of difficult times, it has allowed us to realise our strengths, and to understand that we are as adaptable as the solutions we offer. As we move into 2021, we will continue to build upon our experience from these 30 years to negotiate this new business landscape and find further ways to help our customers through our solutions and services.