Track Trace Time and Attendance - A Bodet Solution

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Ensure you have a historic attendance record for all staff across your whole organisation should your workforce come into contact with coronavirus

In the event of one of your employees testing positive for coronavirus, you will need to quickly and accurately identify when they worked, and which other members of staff they may have come into contact with. This could prove difficult, particularly if you have a large workforce working shifts, you offer flexible working or your organisation is split over multiple sites.

Many companies currently have a workforce operating differently than prior to the coronavirus outbreak. Some have staff split between working at home and in a physical place of work, or are utilising new shifts to ensure that social distancing is maintained. This means it’s probably more difficult than ever for you to know who is working at exactly what time.

If your organisation operates across more than one site, it makes it even more complicated to keep track of staff attendance at each location, especially if employees move between them during the working day.

With a modern Time & Attendance System using clocking in terminals, you ensure you know exactly who was present at any time within your organisation. Even if you have multiple sites, ensuring staff clock in at each of them gives you full visibility and historic attendance data for each location. This means you can easily produce an accurate record of other workers an infected member of staff may have come into contact with.

Coronavirus Track and Trace Using Time & Attendance Systems

Should your company have visitors, it will also be important to keep a log of when they were on your premises, both if they come into contact with an infected member of staff, or they themselves test positive. Bodet’s Visitor Management System will keep records of all visitors to your organisation as they sign in digitally, as well as allowing you to plan visits and increase security.

There are many other ways in which Bodet’s Time & Attendance Systems can help you solve the workforce management challenges caused by the coronavirus outbreak, such as providing full visibility on a workforce split over different locations. Our Coronavirus Resources Page contains further information on these solutions.

You won’t be able to eliminate the possibility of one of your staff contracting coronavirus, but you can protect your employees by ensuring you have systems in place to quickly produce a list of workers who, based on their declared clocking times, may have come into contact with someone with it. Then you can immediately inform those affected, so they can follow government advice.