Telecom Employee News: Telecom Employees Least Happy Workers

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Latest survey results from Engaging Works reveal that staff working at Telecom organisations are the most unhappy of any industry

Workforce engagement and happiness organisation, Engaging Works, has recently revealed some of the results of its global survey, which has so far surveyed over 10,000 global employees. The latest findings show that Telecom employees are the least happy workforce of any industry.

Telecommunications is a sector with a traditionally high employee turnover rate, so perhaps the high degree of staff unhappiness shown by the survey is only to be expected. However, with every new worker being an investment, and happy workers being more productive, this is something that organisations would do well to combat. An organisation is best placed for this when its systems are directly aligned to support its workforce. Bodet’s Time & Attendance Systems are ideally positioned to do this in a number of ways.

Maintaining clear channels of communication is a good way of supporting your staff, allowing them to discuss any potential issues with management or HR. It also means they can receive targeted praise, get on board with the goals and values of your organisation and see how they fit into the bigger picture. The communications application on the Kelio Visio X7 Smart Terminal allows two-way communication between staff and other departments without the need for additional hardware. It can act as a daily communications touchpoint, and can also display a bulletin on the terminal screen, visible as workers clock in or out.

Employee Empowerment is another element of supporting your workforce. Using the Kelio X7 Terminal, staff can access their own attendance records to check their working hours, and also request leave. Making them more responsible for their attendance and involving them in the absence management process gives employees more responsibilities and control. A customer survey and suggests box app are also available for workers to provide additional feedback and have input into your organisation.

It is also important to consider employee wellbeing. Using Bodet’s Absence Management Software, attendance patterns can be calculated and monitored using KPI indicators such as the Bradford Factor, so staff can be properly supported to avoid instances of long term sickness. Other attendance issues such as over-engagement can also be detected. Bodet’s Time & Attendance System also assists with offering various kinds of flexible working, which can also boost wellbeing, all without further HR administration.


Workforce Management News Telecom Workers Unhappy


As well as assisting your workforce, Bodet’s Time & Attendance Solutions have also been specifically designed to benefit workforce management in the Telecommunications industry. Features include hot desk clocking, alerts for team leaders where abnormal clocking times occur, an overview of attendance at a glance, job costing for specific clients and access control integration.