Interactive Time Attendance Software: Bodet Launches Upgrade
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Bodet is proud to announce the release of Kelio V3, the latest evolution of its Time & Attendance Software
As part of our ongoing commitment to customer-driven improvement, Bodet are constantly working to enhance all aspects of our Time & Attendance Solutions. With that in mind, we have just released the latest version of our Time & Attendance Software, Kelio V3.
Kelio V3 offers improvements across our whole Time & Attendance Software suite including increased communications capabilities and absence management, but its main focus is the Staff Planning module. This now provides even more control and flexibility when it comes to creating schedules.
Bodet Launches Major Upgrade to Interactive Time and Attendance Software
International time management specialists, Bodet Ltd, have just launched Kelio V3, a major upgrade to their innovative, modular Kelio software which provides even greater functionality and versatility to their award-winning interactive time and attendance systems.
The central core of Kelio software is collecting and processing data in respect of staff attendance, absence, holidays and activities and generating accurate, real time reports for both payroll and production management.

Within the staff planning module, employees can now be assigned to specific groups within the customised workforce plan depending on their role in the business. Each group can be assigned a different colour for ease of readability, and the data is continually updated in real time. The planning module can also take account of productivity levels to ensure optimum staffing levels are maintained to maximise productivity.
Customised planning templates can now be created which saves time as it avoids having to create new schedules each week or production period. Planning is now an entirely web-based system which gives it greater flexibility and accessibility as well as a refreshingly new appearance.
Communication has always been central to Bodet’s Kelio system. Kelio V3 now provides an even more comprehensive 2-way messaging service. Employees can be assigned to a specific staff contact list and can send messages or replies, including images and photographs, to any individual or group on their list.
Managers and administrators can message each other directly from within the Kelio system which saves time as they don’t have to open an additional application if there are any issues that need resolving.
The absence management and mobile modules have also been augmented. Absence requests can now be set up with a reason for the absence being mandatory, while authorised employees can clock in and out retrospectively using their smartphone or tablet.
Kelio V3 is now a more powerful and versatile staff management software system. As it’s modular, it can be tailored to meet the needs of any organisation, providing customised, 24/7 real time reporting to enable every customer to manage their workforce effectively, reduce HR administration and increase productivity.