Flexible Working Prevents Early Death - Learn more - Bodet

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New scientific study suggests letting 'night owl' workers offset their working day prevents them from dying early

A joint study by the University of Surrey and Northwestern University in Chicago has discovered that 'night owls' have a greater risk of dying sooner due to working inflexible traditional working hours than 'early birds'.

The study, published in Chronobiology International, The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research, shows mortality rates of ten per cent higher for those who prefer to both go to bed and wake up later, compared to early risers. These results were taken from 433,000 people, monitored over a six and a half year period. The alarming rise in mortality rates is clear even with statistical controls for factors such as smoking and history of disease in place.

Lack of sleep has previously been scientifically linked to negative health implications, such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s. This latest research now shows that 'night owls' are more prone to both diabetes and mental health disorders.

Malcolm von Schantz, Professor of Chronobiology at University of Surrey commented “This is a public health issues that can no longer be ignored. We should discuss allowing evening types to start and finish work later, where practical”.

Offering flexible working to your staff is a very easy way to mitigate this health risk. There are also benefits to productivity by avoiding presenteeism and allowing fully rested staff to work at their maximum potential. This can also form part of your wider wellness strategy. Using a modern Time & Attendance System allows you to offer flexible working without any additional strain on HR administration, giving you total freedom with staff working hours.