Kelio News

Workers Poor Mental Health: Half of UK Workers Suffering

New Workplace Wellbeing Survey by Mind shows poor mental health is a huge problem in the workplace

Mental health charity, Mind, have just published results of a new study revealing that 48% of UK workers have experienced poor mental health in their current job.

Interactive Time Attendance Software: Bodet Launches Upgrade

Bodet is proud to announce the release of Kelio V3, the latest evolution of its Time & Attendance Software

As part of our ongoing commitment to customer-driven improvement, Bodet are constantly working to enhance all aspects of our Time & Attendance Solutions. With that in mind, we have just released the latest version of our Time & Attendance Software, Kelio V3.

Flexible Working Survey Shows Desire for Flexible Working

Major study commissioned by McDonald’s in partnership with YouGov shows over half of respondents don’t want traditional 9 to 5 working day

New research shows that the majority of UK workers want to work flexibly, and that it's a very effective benefit for both performance and retention. It also reveals that only 6% of those surveyed work the typical 9am to 5pm working hours.

Care Show Attendance from Bodet - Supporting your Business

Our latest Time & Attendance Solutions for the Care Sector will be on display at the upcoming Care Show 2018 in October

The Care Show returns this year, remaining the UK’s largest and busiest event focused on care homes and homecare. With over 3,400 members of the care community expected to attend, it provides the sector with innovation and ideas enabling exceptional care, and assists in the smooth running of every aspect of the care business.

Absence Management: Sick Days - Fewer Than Ever Taken in UK

CIPD fears lack of sick leave may be result of workers feeling pressured by job security rather than experiencing better health

New figures from the ONS show that the number of absence days taken due to ill health in the UK has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded, but this might not be the good news it initially appears to be, according to the CIPD.

Absence Management: Annual Leave Crisis In the UK - see more

According to the TUC, one in twelve UK workers aren’t getting their full legal holiday entitlement

Analysis from the TUC (Trades Union Congress) reveals that one in twelve employees in the UK aren’t getting the full amount of time off they should be. This raises the risk of stress, along with poor mental and physical health.

Great Half Year Results for Bodet Ltd In 2018

10% growth across both sides of the company, and a record breaking June make for a fantastic six months for Bodet in the UK

After analysing figures for the first half of 2018, Bodet Ltd is very pleased to report an extremely successful six month period, with a sales growth of 10% over January to June last year.

Employee Engagement Report shows slight improvement

The State of Employee Engagement 2018 report from HR specialists HR Zone shows some progress has been made over the last two years

HR Zone have just published the latest version of their State of Employee Engagement report, which examines different approaches and priorities within the workplace and how they are evolving. It shows an 8% increase in the number of organisations surveyed focusing on employee engagement.

GDPR Compliant Time Attendance Systems - Bodet - Learn More

Bodet will help you with your GDPR responsibilities relating to personal data within a Time & Attendance Solution

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in force for all European citizens, and has huge implications for the way that all organisations manage personal data.

Eliminate Paper Timesheets with a Time & Attendance System

Getting rid of paper timesheets will reduce administration and assist your employees

Paper timesheets and holiday request forms are still used in many companies today. Maybe some organisations think they just don’t have the time to consider a new system, or have used these legacy procedures for so long, they haven’t even considered changing. Either way, there has never been a better time to switch to using a Time & Attendance System to calculate working hours and annual leave.