Kelio News

Are you prepared for the end of the tax year?

This can be a busy time of year for payroll departments as we approach the end of the tax year. The tax year runs from 6th April to the 5th April of the following year and all tax returns must be submitted to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) by the end of this time.

The Bodet Group has launched Kelio Ltd!

We are pleased to inform you that Bodet Ltd has recently changed its name to Bodet Time Ltd, and created a new sister company called Kelio Ltd. Kelio Ltd will continue to provide, install and support Workforce Management Solutions, including Time and Attendance, HRIS and Access Control. While the products and services remain the same, the creation of two companies ensures a clearer structure for customers and is a logical step given the recent development in providing a HRIS solution.

New laws for HR in 2024

From April 2024, the government have announced a change to holiday pay for employees that work irregular hours, including zero-hour contracts and part time workers. The new law states that annual leave will be able to be calculated at a rate of 12.07% of the hours worked.

The Bodet Group Expands in Europe!

The Bodet Group has expanded its sites to include Germany!

Due to the success and continual growth of Kelio across Europe, a new site has opened in Dusseldorf.

Remote working now supported by Kelio’s Time and Attendance Solutions

Following the changes created by the Coronavirus, a vast number of office roles offer the flexibility of working from home. Hybrid working supports individual’s wellbeing with the comfort that being at home brings, as well as fitting in with the busy modern lifestyle with reduced commuting times.

New Fire Safety Legislation October 2023

In the year ending March 2023, there was a 7.8% increase in fires compared with the previous year, according to, which can be of great concern if accurate procedures are not put into place.

All companies have a responsibility to look after their staff and ensuring all members have up-to-date access to fire safety policies and information in their building.

Kelio has Launched HR Functionality

Our customers have now been enabled to bring together HR functionality with our Time and Attendance System and linked access control.

An example of this functionality will bring us HR Onboarding.

HR Onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into an organisation.

Workforce Management Report - Poor UK Employee Engagement

New Gallup figures show UK employee engagement rate is one of the lowest in Europe, and declining

The 2022 State of the Global Workplace Report has been released by Gallup, providing an insight into employee engagement and staff wellbeing. Gallup refers to this data as “an important predictor of organisational resilience and performance”.

Workforce Management News: 4-Day Working Week Pilot in UK

Participating organisations to operate a reduced working week to see if such a practice is commercially viable

A new six-month pilot scheme will see researchers measuring the impact on employee productivity and wellbeing of UK employers trialling a four-day week without a corresponding reduction in staff pay.

Staff Absence Statistics Soaring During Omicron Wave

UK economic cost of Omicron absences estimated at £35 billion, but Bodet’s Time & Attendance Systems can help your organisation lessen the impact of staff absences